The British version of “Sesame Street” is set to introduce Lord Liddell-Fiddler, the first Conservative MP character on the show.
Lord Liddell-Fiddler will be introduced to “Sesame Street” next month as the local MP of the street, as well as the landlord of most of the houses in the area.
“Many of the houses on ‘Sesame Street’ have fallen into a state of disrepair, so the residents will call for their Member of Parliament to do something about it. Of course, this MP will also happen to own most of the houses and do his utmost to stifle any complaints,” one of the showrunners told us.
Images of Lord Liddell-Fiddler show that he will look considerably less cute and cuddly than other puppets in “Sesame Street”. Wearing a dark suit and bow tie, along with slicked-back hair, it’s fair to say that he looks something of a villain.
Despite this, Conservative MPs that we spoke to have deeply enjoyed what we’ve shown them of the Lord Liddell-Fiddler character.
As an unnamed Tory MP said, “It’s about time that we were represented on ‘Sesame Street’. For too long it’s just been a procession of woke, lefty liberal snowflakes.”
“Representation matters. This new character will give right-wing children something to aspire to and hopefully stop a lot of the bullying that goes on,” another corrupt tosser told us.
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