Dwayne Johnson has revealed that he has been diagnosed with COVID-19, meaning even he can’t smell what The Rock’s cooking.
Johnson’s inability to smell what he was cooking was, in fact, one of the reasons he decided to get tested.
‘I was in the kitchen, cooking up a dozen-egg omelette. Gotta have that protein, you know? When I realised I couldn’t smell it at all. When you can’t smell what The Rock’s cooking, that’s a problem,’ he said.
It was then that The Rock went to a local testing centre where, after asking who in the blue hell the doctor was, he declared that it didn’t matter what his name was.
‘So they refused to test me. I went to a second testing centre, acted more appropriately and was tested right away,’ he said.
The result came back positive, meaning The Rock will now have to lay the smackdown on COVID-19’s candy-ass.
‘COVID-19 is about to go one-on-one with the great one and then, finally, I’ll be able to smell what The Rock’s cooking again.’